16 Cancer Symptoms Which Women Often Tend To Ignore

In most cases, the cancer symptoms mimic other diseases thus causing us to mistake these grave signs for light ailments. This becomes all the more pertinent in the case of women whose anatomy are subject to frequent changes.

Today we are going to take a look at some such common symptoms which might hint at carcinogenic causes in worst cases.

#1 Fever

A fever which cannot be explained by medical science and keeps on coming back might hint at leukaemia or similar forms of blood cancer. In such a scenario, your doctor will gather all the details of your prior medical history and order a thorough physical check-up.

#2 Alterations In Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes refer to the bean-shaped glands located around our body. Common infections might lead to changes in the same. However, certain forms of cancer such as lymphoma and leukaemia can also lead to tenderness and swelling in the lymph nodes.

It is advisable to seek out the advice of a medical expert if you see swelling or lump anywhere in your body lasting for over a month.

#3 Fatigue

The hectic lifestyles of modern day ladies make them easily fall prey to tiredness. Taking adequate rest is enough to combat all such forms of tiredness. But if your tiredness does not go away in spite of resting, then the cause might be something else.

In such a case, you can visit your doctor and discuss your symptoms with him. He might order blood tests and ask for your medical history for gaining clear knowledge about your symptoms.

#4 Bloating

Women have a natural tendency of getting bloated with age. However, if bloating accompanies bleeding or weight loss, then you need to schedule a doctor’s appointment immediately. Constant bloating can stand out as a potent sign of ovarian, colon, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, uterine and breast cancer.

Your doctor might ask you to undergo special tests in the form of mammogram, CT scan, colonoscopy, blood tests, pelvic exam and ultrasound for finding the core cause of the problem.

#5 Cough

Coughs usually subside within 3 to 4 weeks. But if it lasts longer than that or if you suffer from breathlessness during the same, then you need to take special care of such medical concerns.

Cough is one of the most common signals of lung cancer. Coughing up blood can also be equally bad making it necessary to book an immediate doctor’s appointment.

#6 Blood In Stool Or Urine

If blood is coming out of body parts which normally do not bleed, then you need to talk to your doctor. This becomes all the more necessary in case the bleeding lasts for more than two days.

Hemorrhoids or bloody stool is a potent symptom of colon cancer while bloody urine hints at kidney or bladder cancer.

#7 Pain

Although pain is not a common symptom of cancer as it can be induced by a plethora of reasons, ongoing pain can hint at brain and bone cancer. Such forms of cancer tend to spread out pretty fast.

Thus, you need to discuss your symptoms with your doctor especially if you have been suffering from pain for over one month.

#8 Trouble In Swallowing

If you face trouble while swelling very often coupled with weight loss and vomiting, then your doctor might diagnose chances of stomach or throat cancer. He will order an endoscopy in such a case for examining and analysing your symptoms in details.

A barium X-ray or a CT scan of your chest, neck and abdomen can also be advocated by the medical experts. While conducting a barium test, you will be asked to consume a special liquid which makes your stomach and throat stand out in the X-ray.

#9 Depression & Belly Pain

Depression and belly pain occurring together might stand out as a sign of pancreatic cancer. However, chances of falling prey to such a form of cancer is negligibly low unless you have a family history of the same.

#10 Changes In Breast

Although all forms of breast lumps cannot be treated as cancer, you should always consult your doctor regarding the same. You can also inform them about nipples which have turned inwards, redness or scaling in your breast skin, nipple discharge and skin dimpling or puckering.

Your doctor might conduct tests such as mammogram or biopsy and even ask you questions regarding your medical history.

#11 Unwanted Weight Loss

Don’t we all wish for our extra calories to melt away magically. But in reality, losing more than 10 pounds without undertaking exercise or changing your diet can hint at a bigger problem. Although in most cases weight loss is triggered by thyroid or stress, it can also stand out as a symptom of pancreatic cancer.

Your doctor might recommend tests like PET, CT scan and imaging tests for diagnosing chances of stomach, colon and even lung cancer.

#12 Postmenopausal bleeding

Women undergo slight spotting even after menopause. But if you experience consistent period-like bleeding once again, then it can serve as an early signal of uterine cancer.

#13 Excessive bruising

If you notice bruises all the time at strange places like your fingers or hands, then it can hint at leukaemia cells multiplying inside your body. Leukaemia can impair the natural ability of our blood to carry oxygen.

#14 Heartburn

Excess consumption of food, alcohol and even stress can lead to serious heartburn. Your symptoms are bound to get better on changing your diet for a week or two. However, if the symptoms refuse to fade out and keeps on getting worse, then it can hint at cancer in your throat, stomach or ovaries.

Continuous heartburn can also damage the oesophagus lining and cause Barrett’s oesophagus which further raises the chances of developing throat cancer.

#15 Skin Changes

An alteration in the color or shape of a mole as well as development of new ones can hint at chances of skin cancer. In such a case, you need to consult the doctor readily and undergo a thorough exam as suggested by him.

#16 Mouth Changes

Smokers tend to develop grey, yellow, bright-red or white patches inside their mouth and even on their lips. They might even develop a canker sore looking similar to an ulcer. These might hint at oral cancer thus making it imperative to book an appointment with your dentist for further examination.


It becomes imperative to pay minute attention to such changes as new symptoms hint at a brand-new development in your body. You need to thus possess adequate information about its implication on your body.

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